Quick tip to change proxyaddresses in Active Directory fast with csv input. This is usfull if you are running Exchange Online with dirsync. (This is an unsuported, you should have a local Exchange server for management.)
Import-Csv .\SMTPLIST.csv | ForEach-Object {
$username = $_.samaccountname
$userproxy = $_.emailaddress -split ';'
Set-ADUser -Identity $username -Add @{proxyAddresses= $userproxy}
your header in csv should be: samaccountname,emailaddress
To change the domain you could use:
Import-Module Servermanager
#gathering and adding aliases
$x = get-aduser -SearchBase "OU to your users" -filter * -pr * | select SAMAccountname,UserPrincipalName,proxyaddresses
foreach ($line in $x){
foreach ($addr in $line.proxyaddresses){
if ($addr -like "smtp:*"){
$addr = $addr.replace("old domain","new domain")
$addr = $addr.replace("SMTP:","")
$addr = $addr.replace("smtp:","")
get-aduser -identity "$($line.samaccountname)" | set-aduser -add @{'ProxyAddresses'=@("smtp:$($addr)")}
#check results
$y = get-aduser -SearchBase "OU to your users" -filter * -pr * | select SAMAccountname,UserPrincipalName,proxyaddresses
foreach ($line in $y){
foreach ($addr in $line.proxyaddresses){
if ($addr -like "smtp:*"){